木枠に塩化ビニール, トナー, 自然光, 1030mm × 1030mm(部分), 1997年
Wooden Flame, Vinyl Chloride Film, Toner, Natural light in the rear, 1030mm × 1030mm (part), 1997.


This is central part of the work. Because I photographed natural light in the rear, it is seen as monochrome almost. In this central part, I printed various characters which are inhabiting a long time in my brain. There is a German, Mr. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, in the upper part center, and a title of Takagi God(God of highest tree) is given for him from Japanese Government and he is pleased. It is Mr.Klein(House of storehouse) in the left of the screen, there is a man of Mitsubishi(three diamonds) to the left, and there is a marvel Karma Mask in the screen right-side end. Bragging roaring, "Mufufufu……".