木枠に塩化ビニール, トナー, 背後にアクリル画(キャンバス), 1030mm × 1030mm(部分), 1997年 / Wooden Flame, Vinyl Chloride Film, Toner, Acrylic on Canvas in the rear, 1030mm × 1030mm(part), 1997.


This is the view in an art gallery at Nagoya. This photograph shows the center of the work, and you can see an acrylic tableau hidden in the rear vaguely. You can not see the details of this acrylic tableau ( i.e., this is true work) because various images printed on a double vinyl film disturb you to see well. There were some people who want to see well, so they almost attached their face to the vinyl. And one day the case occurred at last. When I was in the waiting room, I listened a rattling noise in a gallery. And I saw a man in a gallery tried taking off the wooden frame at which extend double vinyl films. The man is going to take off a wooden frame hard, but does not get along well. I came to feel sorry for him. I'm sorry.