木枠に塩化ビニール, トナー, 背後に京都の街並, 1030mm × 1030mm, 1997年 / Wooden Flame, Vinyl Chloride Film, Toner, Acrylic on Canvas in the rear, 1030mm × 1030mm, 1997.
It is one of a view of this work, I took this picture when I displayed this work in a gallery at Kyoto. This gallery has large windows facing a street, so it is not suitable for a person displaying a plane works. Because the wall surface which can display works becomes small, if the portion of the window becomes large. I thought that I could make use of this disadvantageous condition adversely, in the case of this work. In other words I intended to borrow cityscape scenery of Kyoto to be seen through a big glass window, as making use of the surrounding landscape like in the design of a garden. Therefore, in this display method, "the thing to really want to see" becomes the cityscape scenery of Kyoto. And the work becomes "the obstacle" disturbing that one watches the cityscape scenery. "Cityscape of Kyoto"……I wrote several degrees. But really, that is not such a gorgeous one, it is an ordinary apartment in this case……