紙にインク, 210mm × 297mm, 2002年 / Ink on Paper, 210mm × 297mm, 2002.




This type of Torii(gate) is seen at Hie-Shrine group. And main Shrine of this group is Hiyoshi-Taisha Shrine at Shiga-prefecture. This type of Torii has a triangular bargeboard on an ordinary Myojin gate style. This strange form is said to express mixture of Buddhism and Shintoism in the Sanno faith of Mt. Hiei. I was surprised to see a torii of this form for the first time at that time when I prayed at Sanno Hie-jinja Shrine of Nagatacho, Tokyo. This Sanno Hie-jinja Shrine was began at the era that Ohta Dohkan made Edo-jo Castle, and he made this Shrine to pray the safety of construction process, and he brought this Shrine from Kawagoe. This Shinto shrine becomes a mysterious space now in a center of the politics of Japan.