キャンバスにアクリル, 790mm × 590mm, 1987年 / Acrylic on Canvas, 790mm × 590mm, 1987.


I pictured this work based on the explanation of the flying saucer which appeared in an old contact story of the United States, "Look up! Man of Earth". According to that book, the flying saucer was not assembled materials like a vehicle on the earth, but was made by the method of "crystal growth"(grown up from a crystal). So, the flying saucer is not a lifeless machine as automobile or airplane on Earth, but is a kind of living entity. And a stuff in a saucer does not get on board, but "wear" the saucer as his second body, and he can move as he likes in the space of this universe. In addition, the spaceship has "the force field" such as the human body and the planet, and the mysterious form and color of the flying saucer to see from the earth seem to watch the phenomenon that this "force field" changes into every moment. It's reasonable enough.……I deeply understood, and I pictured this work.
The contact story that caused this picture was authored by Stanford brothers in the 1950s. Because the concept of this "force field" just came out at "Star Wars" of George Lucas later, I was surprised. In addition, a lot of thing like the beginning of the hippie culture that became remarkable from the 1960s appears in this book. Many things that Stanford brothers and other people who contact aliens learn from people of another planet would became the seed that greatly changes culture of this earth later?…… There is a mysterious thing in this world a lot still more.