紙にインク, 210mm × 297mm, 2002年 / Ink on Paper, 210mm × 297mm, 2002.



Each dome is related to others, and the internal change of one is identical to the internal change of all others. Only the existence of the subject(S) is only one place-limited. In this case, what does S consider this domes group to be?

Later, I noticed that this problem was identical to a problem discussed in "monadology" of Leibniz. If the change in all monads is identical to other monads, you cannot distinguish each monad mutually, and only one monad merely exists in the universe after all. However, all the inside of the monad is different unless real universe is so. "The blank paper" varies in all parts as far as it is existence though all parts look same. When a point is pictured to a blank paper, it becomes the matrix and disappears from the surface of the existence.