紙にインク, 210mm × 297mm, 2002年 / Ink on Paper, 210mm × 297mm, 2002.




The Logic of the mountain as the body of God

The body of the mountain is God itself. Mountain like this is called Shin-tai-zan (the Mountain as the Body of God). There is the typical trinity in the Shinto shrine in Japan. The first shrine is in the mountain, the second is at the foot of the mountain, and the third is at the rice farm. The ferocious (raw) spirit of God is residing in the mountain first. People go to mountain to welcome the spirit, and enshrine that spirit in the Shrine at the foot of the mountain. And more, people put the spirit on the Omikoshi (a vehicle of God) , and they carry that Omikoshi to the Shrine in their farm. This act of people means that. At first God's spirit is raw, and people can not use that as they want. So, they pull down the God's raw spirit from mountain, and socializes that to adapt for their rice production process. But the spirit needs to be active at just their rice farm, so people pick up the spirit on the Omikoshi, and take him to the Shrine which located at their farm. At the Shrine in their farm, people enshrine the spirit and ask him for rich gain of the year. The spirit produces oneself in response to their prayer newly at this place and revives as new God. In this way, as for the interchange with God and the person, the distance movement from the mountain to the village and from the village to the farm is translated into the reincarnation of God. And this act becomes the engine to drive rice agriculture to reproduce newly every year. God in mountain, in the village, and at the rice field. These three processes don't go well if lacking one of them. By this trinity, the viewpoint for the life of Japanese, the sharp sense for the change of the seasons, the consciousness for a clean and sacred thing, are reborn year by year, and are inherited from generations to generations, and made the landscape of the mountains and rivers, and also formed the culture of this country.

For such Japanese landscapes and the life of the people, the city is heterogeneous. God of the city does not know the farming and is unrelated to seasons. God of the city is separated from the real culture because he likes top clear liquid of the culture. The thought of the people who lost their roots goes to the abstraction, and separated consciousness of people are assembled and build huge mountain of the delusions and not get tired. Worship mountains of city are pure with transparence because they were made with shows and displays of ostentations.