紙にインク, 210mm × 297mm, 2002年 / Ink on Paper, 210mm × 297mm, 2002.




Extra : Name Series 1

I wrote names of various people and groups in calamar style of handwriting. Sequentially from the top……

★Creedence Clearwater Revival / American rock band
★Paul Anka / Canadian-American singer, songwriter, and actor
★Keith Jarrett / American pianist and composer
★Mirabeau (Honoré-Gabriel de Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau) / French revolutionary
★Thomas Aquinas / Italian Dominican priest, philosopher and theologian in the tradition of scholasticism
★Arcangelo Corelli / Italian violinist and composer of the Baroque era
★Norman (Kingsley) Mailer / American novelist, journalist, essayist, playwright, film maker, actor and political candidate
★Eugene Ormandy / Hungarian-born conductor and violinist