「生命源」LIFE ORIGINという言葉は、当時よく聴いていた喜多郎さんのアルバムの中からもらいました。この作品は、私の父が昔住んでいた家の前で目撃したUFOの話を父からきいて、想像力をふくらませて描いたものです。父の見たUFOは、見かけの大きさが30cmくらいもある巨大な楕円形で、水銀灯のように白銀色に輝き、周囲の空間全体に真っ白なスパークを放ちながら夜空をすうっと飛行していったといいます。あとで宇宙人にこの円盤のことをきくと、『神様の円盤です』との答があったそうです。神様とは、すなわち宇宙創造神のことではないか……するとそれはすなわち全ての生命の源ではなかろうか……と想像をふくらませ、結局こんな作品になりました。
The word "LIFE ORIGIN"(source of the life), I took this word from an album of Kitaro which I listened well in those days that I was making this work. I pictured this work with my imagination based on the story which is about the UFO that my father watched at the house where we lived. The UFO which my father watched, was a white silver, shined like a mercury lamp, was the huge oval that apparent size is as for around 30cm, radiated pure white sparks in the whole neighboring space, and glided smoothly in the night sky. My father said in this way. He asked later to the space people, and their answer was that the UFO which my father watched is that of God. I thought the "God" in this story, is the creator of this universe, is the origin of all life in this world. I think so, and made this work.
I used only two colors, phthalocyanine blue and white, in this work. Phthalocyanine blue is a transparent color, and using this, I can make many blue colors, from pale blue like water, to deep blue like the night sky. And I use this color on the another color, it looks like a something under the water. Because of these effects, I would became a paranoiac user of this color these days. As for the figures around the white oval, I drew them using a slender brush, and these figures mean the every life which were born and were unfolded from God (symbolized with a central white oval). The life that was born will be spreading in this universe infinitely with not only its own brightness but also with its meddling with life next to each other, and with changing its figure.
I wanted to serialize this work and make various versions, but it has been for an end with this one piece because it needs terrible amount of time. This universe and the life are really mysterious.