木枠に塩化ビニール, トナー, 背後に自然光, 1030mm × 1030mm(部分), 1997年
Wooden Flame, Vinyl Chloride Film, Toner, Natural light in the rear, 1030mm × 1030mm (part), 1997.
木枠に塩化ビニール, トナー, 背後に自然光, 1030mm × 1030mm(部分), 1997年
Wooden Flame, Vinyl Chloride Film, Toner, Natural light in the rear, 1030mm × 1030mm (part), 1997.
木枠に塩化ビニール, トナー, 背後に自然光, 1030mm × 1030mm(部分), 1997年
Wooden Flame, Vinyl Chloride Film, Toner, Natural light in the rear, 1030mm × 1030mm (part), 1997.
木枠に塩化ビニール, トナー, 背後に自然光, 1030mm × 1030mm(部分), 1997年
Wooden Flame, Vinyl Chloride Film, Toner, Natural light in the rear, 1030mm × 1030mm (part), 1997.
木枠に塩化ビニール, トナー, 背後に自然光, 1030mm × 1030mm(部分), 1997年
Wooden Flame, Vinyl Chloride Film, Toner, Natural light in the rear, 1030mm × 1030mm (part), 1997.
Jindukyo art exhibition is Triennale from about 1988, and is held in Ohsawano-tyo(now,Toyama-shi?). Jindu River water system seems to have three big dams, and by these three dams, the scene of the riverside seems to come under a big influence. Therefore, it may be sure that we cannot talk about the beauty of current jindukyo except the existence of these three dams. I applied this work at this art exhibition in 1997. However, the result was wonderful defeat. I tried to drew hard dignity of faces of the judges, and I also drew the offer essential points, and I printed them on the vinyl film(see fourth and fifth photos), but…… and I applied for a various art exhibition afterwards, but lost all.